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When the Roll is Called Up Yonder

Categories: Music Poetry

I got some really encouraging responses and motivation from persons who read my last poem. So this is a “Thank You” to you all! 🙂 Motivation goes a long way. Hope you enjoy this one as well.

Raevae, I made sure to make this one a bit more ‘singable’. 😀

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When the Roll is Called Up Yonder – Another take

When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more
There’ll be some that run around in shock and fear.
And He’ll say, “I’m sure I mentioned I was coming back to earth
And today’s the ‘ppointed day, and I am here!”

When the roll is called up yonder
There’ll be joy and peace, and laughter;
All my questions He will answer,
When the roll is called up yonder, please be there!

On that bright and cloudless morning when the dead in Christ shall rise
Some may try to jump into the open graves,
And He’ll say, “Well now, that’s fruitless… Don’t you know it’s Judgment day?
Have you ignored my advice that Jesus saves?”

When the roll is called up yonder
We will stand with Christ the Victor;
My redemption I will savor!
When the roll is called up yonder, please be there!

Let us labor for the Master from the dawn till setting sun,
Since most people are still clueless of the Day!
Plugged into the Matrix daily, minding things that have no worth,
Let us point them to the Saviour’s love today!

When the roll is called up yonder;
To be there alone is treasure!
I will meet my loving Saviour!
When the roll is called up yonder, please be there!

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(Original Lyrics found here: http://sdahymnals.com/hymnals/?p=878)

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