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Tune Showcase: Lenox

Categories: Hymnody Music

Metre: Hallelujah Metre (
Composer: Lewis Edson (1748-1820)

“Lewis Edson: Born in Massachusetts, he began working as a blacksmith and farmer. After marrying, he became a singing teacher, notable in his day. He taught singing in MA NY and CN, moving to NY in 1817. He was also an author. His 35 works consist of tunebooks, anthems, Psalm music, music scores and chants for choir use.”
(Source: https://hymnary.org/person/Edson_Lewis)


The tune Lenox is found in the following hymnals:

1888 Hymn and Tune Book
– Hymns 252-253

1908 Christ in Song
– Hymn #123, Arise, My Soul, Arise!


(Piano Accompaniment)
On What Has Now Been Sown (Edson – Lenox)

Page Scan


Hymns and Tunes (1886)
Hymn #252

Verse 1
The God that made the earth,
And all the worlds on high,
Who gave all creatures birth,
In earth, and sea, and sky,
After six days in work employed,
Upon the seventh a rest enjoyed.

Verse 2
The Sabbath-day was blessed,
Hallowed, and sanctified;
It was Jehovah’s rest,
And so it must abide;
‘T was set apart before the fall,
‘T was made for man, ‘t was made for all.

Verse 3
And when from Sinai’s mount,
Amidst the fire and smoke,
Jehovah did recount,
And all his precepts spoke,
He claimed the rest-day as his own,
And wrote it with his law on stone.

Verse 4
The Son of God appeared
With tidings of great joy;
God’s precepts he revered,
He came not to destroy
None of the law was set aside,
But every tittle ratified.

Verse 5
Our Saviour did not die
To render null and void
The law of the Most High,
Which cannot be destroyed;
But, bruised for us, our stripes he bore,—
We’ll go in peace and sin no more.

— R. F. Cottrell

Audio Demo

Alternate Texts/Lyrics

Here are some hymns in our hymnals with the same metre. I’ve tried the texts of them with this tune, and they all work.

Church Hymnal (1941)
The Lord Jehovah Reigns, Hymn #11
Hushed Was the Evening Hymn, Hymn #428
Welcome, Delightful Morn, Hymn #465
Great King of Glory, Hymn #485

Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal (1985)
My Song is Love Unknown, Hymn #188
Rejoice, the Lord is King, Hymn #221
Go Forth, Go Forth With Christ, Hymn #377

As I listen and sing this tune more and more, I am more convinced that its genesis is in Sacred Harp Singing (also known as Shape-note Singing or Fasola Singing). I’m determined to find a current YouTube video where this tune is done in that style, if it exists.

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