October 15, 2019
Relationship Couplets, Season 2
Categories: Poetry
Round 2 of Relationship Couplets… let’s go deeper. Enjoy!
October 15, 2019
Categories: Poetry
Round 2 of Relationship Couplets… let’s go deeper. Enjoy!
October 8, 2019
Categories: Poetry
If you found a priceless treasure, would you put it in a square?
June 19, 2019
Categories: Psychology
Here is the first set of excerpts taken from “Occasional Reflections, Principally for the Use of Schools”, written by George Dillwyn; published in 1815. These quotes are found in the first chapter (pages 3 through 28), which features an alphabetical presentation of short quotes.
April 27, 2019
Categories: Poetry
Here is the archive of my relationship couplets, that I promised to make. Enjoy!
September 14, 2017
Categories: Psychology
Attraction has a *function*: to indicate when an organism is mature.
September 13, 2017
Categories: Psychology
Attraction can divert attention temporarily… but cannot sustain it.
September 3, 2017
Categories: Biblical
Birthdays should be used to confer things of value. However, “it is better to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). So today I’ll share with you ten things gained during the journey.
August 23, 2017
Much can be said about the general state of modern-day Christian preachers, pastors and leaders. It’s probably time to address these concerns, in a mature way.
August 2, 2017
Categories: Biblical
Some timeless quotes from Noah Webster (author of “American Dictionary of the English Language” [1828]).
May 3, 2017
Here is an archive of posts that I promised to make, regarding some musings on relationships, and the principles that guide them.