May 4, 2015
Categories: Biblical
Riches are a snare in these last days… do not be ensnared thereby. Store your treasures in heaven, “where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6:20, NKJV).
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April 28, 2015
Categories: Biblical
We know what it means to be a student in earthly schools. Student-ship in the school of Christ is no different.
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April 19, 2015
Categories: Biblical
If it sounds nice… if it smells nice…
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April 19, 2015
Categories: Biblical
I understand the need to be loved; but far too often, people jump from the frying pan into the fire. So here are some tips from the trenches.
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March 25, 2015
Categories: Biblical Music
This book gives great historical information. Let us consider it, measure it up with God’s high standards, and make the right choices.
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March 24, 2015
Categories: Biblical
“List the top 5 things you want in a woman.” Here’s my answer.
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May 12, 2014
Categories: Biblical
God has consistently taught us to value the “inner person”, rather than the outward appearance. He commends and rewards our efforts to “do justly”, “love mercy” and walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8).
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May 7, 2014
Categories: Poetry
A Father who loves us, His goodness imparts
He is desperately trying to access our hearts
To heal and restore us, great planning He took
To make sure we got access to the words of this Book.
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May 1, 2014
Categories: Biblical
In this note, I’d like to make one thing very clear. Persons who offer ‘advice’ in terms of child-rearing, who contradict good, solid, effective biblical strategies are doing a great injustice to our nation.
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August 28, 2013
Categories: Biblical
Let’s say I sent you a letter… a long letter that reveals who I am, what I stand for, what I love/hate, et cetera. You receive the letter, but you don’t read it; you put on a table in your living room, and you forget about it.
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