...a bit of peace and quiet, online.

List of Blog Entries

False Witnesses

Categories: Biblical

The term “false witness” is commonly interpreted as “a liar”. There is a more fundamental aspect of the term, which I’d like to explore here.

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Be strong, and of good courage

Categories: Biblical

This morning, I read the book of Joshua, Chapters 6 through 8. Something(s) about a sermon I heard on Sabbath really stood out for me… was a very timely message. I needed to investigate some stuff in there.

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Glory for Me!

Categories: Music Poetry

This is a modern-day remix of the the hymn – “The Glory Song”. The perspective is that of a university student. This version is singable – to the original tune.

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Take My Yoke

Categories: Biblical Poetry

There exist some common misconceptions out there
that Jesus’ yoke is strenuous to accept and bear.
Today, I would just like to offer some light,
so that when you read this text, you’ll interpret it right.

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Declaration vs. Decision

Categories: Psychology

Today, let’s talk about two words… ‘Declaration’ and ‘Decision’. I like these two words, not only because they’re on the same page in my dictionary, but because they help to distinguish between a common error we make sometimes.

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