...a bit of peace and quiet, online.

Category: Biblical

The Inner Person

Categories: Biblical

God has consistently taught us to value the “inner person”, rather than the outward appearance. He commends and rewards our efforts to “do justly”, “love mercy” and walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8).

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The First Letter

Categories: Biblical

Let’s say I sent you a letter… a long letter that reveals who I am, what I stand for, what I love/hate, et cetera. You receive the letter, but you don’t read it; you put on a table in your living room, and you forget about it.

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False Witnesses

Categories: Biblical

The term “false witness” is commonly interpreted as “a liar”. There is a more fundamental aspect of the term, which I’d like to explore here.

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Be strong, and of good courage

Categories: Biblical

This morning, I read the book of Joshua, Chapters 6 through 8. Something(s) about a sermon I heard on Sabbath really stood out for me… was a very timely message. I needed to investigate some stuff in there.

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Take My Yoke

Categories: Biblical Poetry

There exist some common misconceptions out there
that Jesus’ yoke is strenuous to accept and bear.
Today, I would just like to offer some light,
so that when you read this text, you’ll interpret it right.

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