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CH1941, Hymn #138

Within the Veil

Church Hymnal, #138


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 138

MIDI Player



138: Within the Veil

Verse 1
"Within the veil:" Be this, beloved thy portion
Within the secret of thy Lord to dwell;
Beholding Him, until thy face His glory,
Thy life His love, thy lips His praise shall tell.

Verse 2
"Within the veil," for only as thou gazest
Upon the matchless beauty of His face,
Canst thou become a living revelation
Of His great heart of love, His untold grace.

Verse 3
"Within the veil," His fragrance poured upon thee,
Without the veil, that fragrance shed abroad;
"Within the veil," His hand shall tune the music
Which sounds on earth the praises of thy Lord.

Verse 4
"Within the veil," thy spirit deeply anchored,
Thou walkest calm above a world of strife;
"Within the veil," thy soul with Him united,
Shall live on earth His resurrection life.

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