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CH1941, Hymn #164

O Saviour, Precious Saviour

Church Hymnal, #164


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 164

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164: O Saviour, Precious Saviour

Verse 1
O Saviour, precious Saviour,
Whom, yet unseen, we love,
O Name of might and favor,
All other names above!
We worship Thee, we bless Thee,
To Thee, O Christ we sing;
We praise Thee, and confess Thee
Our holy Lord and King.

Verse 2
O bringer of salvation,
Who wondrously hast wrought,
Thyself the revelation
Of love beyond out thought,
We worship Thee, we bless Thee,
To Thee, O Christ we sing;
We praise Thee, and confess Thee
Our gracious Lord and King.

Verse 3
In Thee all fulness dwelleth,
All grace and power divine;
The glory that excelleth,
O Son of God, is Thine;
We worship Thee, we bless Thee,
To Thee, O Christ we sing;
We praise Thee, and confess Thee
Our glorious Lord and King.

Verse 4
O grant the consummation
Of this our song above,
In endless adoration,
And everlasting love;
Then shall we praise and bless Thee
Where perfect praises ring,
And evermore confess Thee
Our Saviour and our King.

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