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CH1941, Hymn #178

In the Sun, and Moon, and Stars

Church Hymnal, #178


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 178

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178: In the Sun, and Moon, and Stars

Verse 1
In the sun, and moon, and stars,
Signs and wonders have appeared;
Earth has groaned with bloody wars,
And the hearts of men have feared.

Verse 2
Soon shall ocean’s hoary deep,
Tossed with stronger tempests, rise;
Darker storms the mountain sweep,
Fiercer lightning rend the skies.

Verse 3
Dread alarms shall shake the proud,
Pale amazement, restless fear;
And, amid the thunder-cloud,
Shall the Judge of men appear.

Verse 4
But, though from His awful face,
Heaven shall fade, and earth shall fly,
Fear not, ye, His chosen race,
Your redemption draweth nigh.

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