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CH1941, Hymn #186

Long For My Saviour I’ve Been Waiting

Church Hymnal, #186


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 186

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186: Long For My Saviour I’ve Been Waiting

Verse 1
Long for my Saviour I've been waiting,
Long time have watched by night and day;
Feared, lest my faith and hope abating,
I should lose courage by the way.

Jesus soon is coming;
This is my song—
Cheers the heart when joys depart,
And foes are pressing strong.

Verse 2
Here in this vale of sin and sorrow
I have been wandering many years,
Still looking for that happy morrow
When God would wipe away my tears.

Verse 3
Oftimes the tempter comes in power,
Fain then would lead my steps astray;
But when the clouds begin to lower,
Hope turns the darkness into day.

Verse 4
O it will be but little longer
I must these many woes endure;
Then let my faith and hope grow stronger;
My Father's promise still is sure.

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