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CH1941, Hymn #188

Star of Our Hope

Church Hymnal, #188


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 188

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188: Star of Our Hope

Verse 1
Star of our hope! He'll soon appear,
The last loud trumpet speaks Him near;
Hail Him, all saints, from pole to pole—
How welcome to the faithful soul!

Verse 2
From heaven angelic voices sound:
Behold the Lord of glory crowned,
Arrayed in majesty divine,
And in His highest glories shine.

Verse 3
The grave yields up its precious trust,
Which long has slumbered in the dust,
Resplendent forms ascending, fair,
Now meet the Savior in the air.

Verse 4
Descending with His azure throne,
He claims the kingdom for His own;
The saints rejoice, they shout, they sing,
And hail Him their triumphant King.

Verse 5
O joyful day, when He appears
With all His saints, to end their fears!
Our Lord will then His right obtain,
And in His kingdom ever reign.

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