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CH1941, Hymn #192

Hark! That Shout

Church Hymnal, #192


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 192

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192: Hark! That Shout

Verse 1
Hark! that shout of rapture high,
Bursting forth from yonder cloud;
Jesus comes, and, through the sky,
Angels tell their joy aloud,
Angels tell their joy aloud.

Verse 2
Hark! the trumpet's awful voice
Sounds abroad o'er sea and land;
Let His people now rejoice;
Their redemption is at hand,
Their redemption is at hand.

Verse 3
See, the Lord appears in view;
Heaven and earth before Him fly;
Rise, ye saints, He comes for you;
Rise, to meet Him in the sky,
Rise, to meet Him in the sky.

Verse 4
Go and dwell with Him above,
Where no foe can e'er molest;
Happy in the Saviour's love,
Ever blessing, ever blest,
Ever blessing, ever blest.

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