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CH1941, Hymn #220

I Love the Sacred Book

Church Hymnal, #220


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 220

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220: I Love the Sacred Book

Verse 1
I love the sacred book of God,
No other can its place supply;
It points me to the saints' abode,
And bids me from destruction fly.

Verse 2
Sweet book! in thee my eyes discern
The image of my absent Lord;
From thy instructive page I learn
The joys His presence will afford.

Verse 3
But while I'm here, thou shalt supply
His place, and tell me of His love;
I'll read with faith's discerning eye,
And thus partake of joys above.

Verse 4
Within thy sacred lids is found
A transcript of my Maker's will;
Treasures of knowledge here abound,
The deepest, loftiest mind to fill.

Verse 5
Light of the world, thy beams impart,
To lead my feet through life's dark way;
O, shine on this benighted heart,
Nor let me from thy guidance stray.

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