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CH1941, Hymn #237

Jesus, Full of All Compassion

Church Hymnal, #237


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 237

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237: Jesus, Full of All Compassion

Verse 1
Jesus, full of all compassion,
Hear thy humble suppliant’s cry;
Let me know thy great salvation;
See, I languish, faint and die.
Guilty, but with heart relenting,
Overwhelmed with helpless grief,
Prostrate at Thy feet repining,
Send, O send me quick relief.

Verse 2
Whither should my soul be flying,
But to him who comfort gives?
Whither, from the dread of dying,
But to him who ever lives?
While I view thee, wounded, grieving,
Breathless, on the cursed tree,
Fain I’d feel my heart believing
Thou didst suffer thus for me.

Verse 3
With thy righteousness and Spirit,
I am more than angels blessed;
Heir with thee, all things inherit—
Peace, and joy, and endless rest.
Saved! the deed shall spread new glory
Through the shining realms above;
Angels sing the pleasing story,
All enraptured with thy love.

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