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CH1941, Hymn #268

Blessed Jesus, Meek and Lowly

Church Hymnal, #268


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 268

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268: Blessed Jesus, Meek and Lowly

Verse 1
Blessed Jesus, meek and lowly,
With us here take thine abode;
We would fain like thee be holy,
Humbly walking with our God.
We would thy sweet Spirit cherish,
Welcome in our hearts thy stay;
Lest without thine aid we perish,
O, abide with us, we pray!

Verse 2
Guide us in the path to heaven,
Rugged though that path may be;
Let each bitter cup that's given,
Serve to draw us nearer thee.
In thy footsteps traced before us,
There we see earth's scorn and frown;
There is suffering ere the glory,
There's a cross before the crown.

Verse 3
In thy vineyard let us labor,
Of thy goodness let us tell;
All is ill without thy favor,
With thy presence all is well.
While the evening shadows gather,
Through this dreary night of tears,
Tarry with us, O our Saviour,
Till the morning light appears.

Verse 4
Then with thee may we forever
Reign with all the good and blest,
Where no sin from thee can sever,
Where the weary are at rest;
There to praise the matchless Giver,
There with angels to adore
Him who did through grace deliver
Us from death forevermore.

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