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CH1941, Hymn #297

Let Heaven Highest Praises Bring

Church Hymnal, #297


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 297

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297: Let Heaven Highest Praises Bring

Verse 1
Let heaven highest praises bring,
And earth her songs of gladness sing,
To magnify our Saviour, King,
Who bought us by His precious blood.

Verse 2
May all the suffering Thou hast borne,
The bleeding side, the cruel thorn,
Our hearts to Thee in sorrow turn,
And lead us safely home to God.

Verse 3
By scourgings, spittings, stripes, and scars,
Jesus, the Maker of the stars,
The gates of heaven for us unbars,
And bids us freely enter in.

Verse 4
Fill us, O Saviour, with Thy love,
Grant us eternal joys above,
Oh, faithful to Thy promise prove,
And cleanse us from our every sin.

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