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CH1941, Hymn #328
At First I Prayed for Light
Church Hymnal, #328
Found in | Church Hymnal (1941) |
Hymn Number | 328 |
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328: At First I Prayed for Light
Verse 1
At first I prayed for light:
Could I but see the way,
How gladly, swiftly would I walk
To everlasting day!
Verse 2
And next I prayed for strength:
That I might tread the road
With firm, unfaltering feet, and win
The heaven's serene abode.
Verse 3
And then I asked for faith:
Could I but trust my God,
I'd live infolded in His peace,
Though foes were all abroad.
Verse 4
But now I pray for love:
Deep love to God and man;
A living love that will not fail,
However dark His plan.
Verse 5
And light and strength and faith
Are opening everywhere!
God waited patiently until
I prayed the larger prayer.