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CH1941, Hymn #36

Thy Voice Hath Spoken

Church Hymnal, #36


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 36


36: Thy Voice Hath Spoken

Verse 1
Thy voice hath spoken, souls have heard;
Thy wondrous love hath been declared;
Now in this quiet hour
Conviction's arrows deeper press,
Convince of sin and righteousness,
Show forth Thy mighty power.

Verse 2
Thy hand hath torn the veil aside;
The secret sin man fain would hide
Stands clear beneath Thy gaze.
Help now, dear Lord, each wavering heart
To turn from sin, from evil part;
Make this a day of days.

Verse 3
Defeat the enemy, that he
No longer in captivity
These bloodbought souls shall bind.
Grant that the weary, sinsick one,
Whom none can heal but Thou alone,
Shall full salvation find.

Verse 4
Bid chains be broken, fetters yield,
Let wounds incurable be healed,
Set longing captives free;
Hearts long defiled cleanse thro' and thro',
Deep in the inward part make true,
In love and purity.

Verse 5
Speak now, O Lord, Thy strong "I will,"
The waves of doubt and sorrow still,
And bid the struggling cease,
That yielded lives possessed by Thee
Henceforth Thy witnesses shall be,
Kept in Thy perfect peace.

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