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CH1941, Hymn #374

There Is a Road

Church Hymnal, #374


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 374

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374: There Is a Road

Verse 1
There is a road, though narrow and obscure,
Which we must traverse till earth's days be past,
Which though unheeded by the passing throng,
Leads us to our eternal home at last.

Verse 2
Here trod the faithful when the work began;
Some still are with us, but, alas, not all;
Many have laid their heavy burdens down
And will rejoin us when the Lord shall call.

Verse 3
And there is One who, though to eye unseen,
Journeys besideus wheresoe'er we go;
Guards all our footsteps with the tenderest care,
And sorrows with us in our earthly woe.

Verse 4
Almost the city towers we can discern
And hear the music from those courts above.
Jesus is waiting with the table spread;
O what a welcome in those arms of love.

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