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CH1941, Hymn #381

O Who, in Such a World

Church Hymnal, #381


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 381

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381: O Who, in Such a World

Verse 1
O who, in such a world as this,
Could bear his lot of pain,
Did not one radiant hope of bliss
Unclouded yet remain?

Verse 2
That hope the sovereign Lord has given
Who reigns above the skies;
Hope that unites the soul to heaven
By faith's endearing ties.

Verse 3
Each care, each ill of mortal birth,
Is sent in pitying love,
To lift the hungering heart from earth
And speed its flight above.

Verse 4
And every pang that wrings the breast,
And every joy that dies,
Bids us to seek a purer rest
And trust to holier ties.

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