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CH1941, Hymn #406

Lead Thou Me on

Church Hymnal, #406


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 406

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406: Lead Thou Me on

Verse 1
Lead Thou me on, and then my feet, though weary,
Shall never falter in life's rugged way;
And though my pathway lead through wilds most dreary,
Guided by Thee my feet shall never stray.

Verse 2
Fill me with love, and then my life shall ever
Show forth the light of Thy sweet love divine;
And though this world my heart from Thee would sever,
I still rejoice in knowing Thou art mine.

Verse 3
Give me Thy grace, the grace that more aboundeth
When all the hosts of sin upon me roll;
And though life's care my lonely way surroundeth,
Still I can rest, if Thou my life control.

Verse 4
Give me Thy peace that passeth understanding,
And wraps the soul in calm and sweet repose;
And though the storms would keep my soul from landing,
At length I'll anchor, safe from all my foes.

Verse 5
Lord, well I know, all these and more are given,
With Christ in whom all heavenly riches dwell;
In Him by faith I grasp the joys of heaven,
And taste the bliss my tongue now fails to tell.

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