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CH1941, Hymn #431

How Sweet, How Heavenly

Church Hymnal, #431


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 431

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431: How Sweet, How Heavenly

Verse 1
How sweet, how heavenly is the sight
When those who love the Lord
In one another's peace delight,
And thus fulfill His word.

Verse 2
When each can feel his brother's sigh,
And with him bear a part;
When sorrow flows from eye to eye,
And joy from heart to heart.

Verse 3
When free from envy, scorn, and pride,
Our wishes all above,
Each can his brother's failings hide,
And show a brother's love.

Verse 4
When love, in one delightful stream,
Through every bosom flows;
And union sweet, and dear esteem,
In every action glows.

Verse 5
Love is the golden chain that binds
The happy souls above,
And he's an heir of heaven who finds
His bosom glow with love.

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