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CH1941, Hymn #438

Buried Beneath the Yielding Wave

Church Hymnal, #438


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 438

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438: Buried Beneath the Yielding Wave

Verse 1
Buried beneath the yielding wave
The great Redeemer lies;
Faith views Him in the watery grave,
And hence beholds Him rise.

Verse 2
Thus do these willing souls today
Their ardent zeal express,
And in the Lord's appointed way
Fulfill all righteousness.

Verse 3
With joy we in His footsteps tread,
And would His cause maintain;
Like Him be numbered with the dead,
And with Him rise and reign.

Verse 4
His presence oft revives our hearts,
And drives our fears away;
When He commands, and strength imparts,
We cheerfully obey.

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