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CH1941, Hymn #440

Go, Preach My gospel

Church Hymnal, #440


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 440

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440: Go, Preach My gospel

Verse 1
"Go, preach My gospel," saith the Lord;
"Bid the whole world My grace receive;
He shall be saved who trusts My word,
And they condemned who disbelieve.

Verse 2
"I'll make your great commission known,
And ye shall prove My gospel true
By all the works that I have done,
By all the wonders ye shall do.

Verse 3
"Teach all the nations My commands;
I'm with you till the world shall end;
All power is vested in My hands;
I can destroy, and I defend."

Verse 4
He spake, and light shone round His head;
On a bright cloud to heaven He rode;
They to the farthest nations spread
The grace of their ascended Lord.

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