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CH1941, Hymn #464

Hail, Happy Day!

Church Hymnal, #464


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 464

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464: Hail, Happy Day!

Verse 1
Hail, happy day! thou day of holy rest;
What heavenly peace and transport fill our breast
When Christ, the Lord of grace, in love descends,
And kindly holds communion with His friends!

Verse 2
Let earth and all its vanities be gone,
Move from my sight, and leave my soul alone;
Its flattering, fading glories I despise,
And to immortal beauties turn my eyes.

Verse 3
Fain would I mount, and penetrate the skies,
And on my Saviour's glories fix my eyes;
O meet my rising soul, Thou God of love,
And waft it to the blissful realms above!

Verse 4
O Son of God, exalted on Thy throne,
Impart that grace which comes from Thee alone;
Thou, by whose love our light and peace are given,
Bring us, dear Saviour, to Thyself and heaven.

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