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CH1941, Hymn #470

Thy Holy Sabbath, Lord

Church Hymnal, #470


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 470

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470: Thy Holy Sabbath, Lord

Verse 1
Thy holy Sabbath, Lord,
Thy people hail with joy;
And while we wait to hear Thy word,
Let praise our hearts employ.

Verse 2
With sweet delight the day
That Thou hast called Thine own
We hail, and all our homage pay
To Thine exalted throne.

Verse 3
O may Thy saints be blessed!
Assist us while we pray;
May we enjoy a holy rest,
And keep the sacred day.

Verse 4
When Sabbaths here shall end,
And from these courts we move,
May we an endless Sabbath spend
In heavenly courts above.

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