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CH1941, Hymn #473

Once in Jerusalem

Church Hymnal, #473


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 473

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473: Once in Jerusalem

Verse 1
Once in Jerusalem of old
Our Saviour washed their feet
Who climbed with Him Judea's hills,
And roved its valleys sweet.
With lowly attitude and mien
To them He bowed the knee,
Thus showing how love's service blends
With meek humility.

Verse 2
But far from that low path of grace
His people since have trod,
And erring feet have trampled down
The ordinance of God.
Come brothers, sisters, let us raise
This long-forgotten rite;
Bow each to each with humble minds,
And walk in duty's light.

Verse 3
With holy kiss, with words of love,
With hearts all kind and true,
We'll banish thoughts of envious pride,
As Jesus' friends should do.
Dear Saviour, help us keep more near
The good old Bible ways;
Head, hands, and feet we pray Thee wash,
That we may speak Thy praise.

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