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CH1941, Hymn #479

Would You Win a Saviour’s Blessing?

Church Hymnal, #479


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 479

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479: Would You Win a Saviour’s Blessing?

Verse 1
Would you win a Saviour's blessing?
Freely, freely give;
Would you see His work progressing?
Freely, freely give;
Let your souls with love expand,
Open wide a liberal hand;
Would you follow God's command?
Freely, freely give.

Verse 2
With a cheerful heart and willing,
Freely, freely give;
Like the dew its balm distilling,
Freely, freely give;
Have you little? Give your mite;
O how precious in His sight!
He your offering will requite;
Freely, freely give.

Verse 3
Give to spread the grand old story,
Freely, freely give;
Give to speed the light of glory.
Freely, freely give;
Would you gain a rich reward
In the harvest of the Lord,
Then obedient to His word.
Freely, freely give.

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