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CH1941, Hymn #497

Standing by a Purpose True

Church Hymnal, #497


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 497

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497: Standing by a Purpose True

Verse 1
Standing by a purpose true,
Heeding God's command,
Honor them, the faithful few,
All hail to Daniel's band!

Dare to be a Daniel,
Dare to stand alone!
Dare to have a purpose firm!
Dare to make it known!

Verse 2
Many mighty men are lost,
Daring not to stand,
Who for God had been a host
By joining Daniel's band!

Verse 3
Many giants great and tall,
Stalking through the land,
Headlong to the earth would fall
If met by Daniel's band!

Verse 4
Hold the temperance banner high!
On to victory grand!
Satan and his host defy,
And shout for Daniel's band!

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