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CH1941, Hymn #512

God Bless Our Native Land!

Church Hymnal, #512


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 512

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512: God Bless Our Native Land!

Verse 1
God bless our native land!
May Heaven's protecting hand
Still guard our shore.
May peace her power extend,
Foe be transformed to friend,
And all our rights depend
On war no more.

Verse 2
May just and righteous laws
Uphold the public cause,
And bless our name;
Home of the brave and free,
Stronghold of liberty,
We pray that still on thee
May rest no stain.

Verse 3
And not this land alone,
But be Thy mercies known
From shore to shore;
O that all men would see
That they should brothers he,
And form one family,
The wide world o'er!

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