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CH1941, Hymn #516

Sweet the Time

Church Hymnal, #516


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 516

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516: Sweet the Time

Verse 1
Sweet the time, exceeding sweet!
When the saints together meet,
When the Saviour is the theme,
When they join to sing of Him.

Verse 2
Sing we then eternal love,
Such as did the Father move;
He beheld the world undone,
Loved the world and gave His Son.

Verse 3
Sing the Son's amazing love;
How He left the realms above,
Took our nature and our place,
Lived and died to save our race.

Verse 4
Sing we, too, the Spirit's love;
With our stubborn hearts He strove,
Filled our minds with grief and fear,
Brought the precious Saviour near.

Verse 5
Sweet the time, exceeding sweet,
When the saints in heaven shall meet;
Jesus still will be the theme,
They shall always sing of Him.

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