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CH1941, Hymn #524

Tell Me the Old, Old Story

Church Hymnal, #524


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 524

MIDI Player



524: Tell Me the Old, Old Story

Verse 1
Tell me the old, old story,
Of unseen things above,
Of Jesus and His glory,
Of Jesus and His love;
Tell me the story simply,
As to a little child,
For I am weak and weary,
And helpless and defiled.

Tell me the old, old story,
Tell me the old, old story,
Tell me the old, old story,
Of Jesus and His love.

Verse 2
Tell me the story softly,v
With earnest tones and grave;
Remember I'm the sinner
Whom Jesus came to save;
Tell me the story always,
If you would really be,
In any time of trouble,
A comforter to me.

Verse 3
Tell me the same old story
When you have cause to fear
That this world's empty glory
Is costing me too dear;
Yes, and when that world's glory
Is dawning on my soul,
Tell me the old, old story:
"Christ Jesus makes thee whole."

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