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CH1941, Hymn #528

Oh, the Best Friend to Have Is Jesus

Church Hymnal, #528


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 528

MIDI Player



528: Oh, the Best Friend to Have Is Jesus

Verse 1
Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus;
When the cares of life upon you roll,
He will heal the wounded heart,
He will strength and grace impart;
Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus.

The best friend to have is Jesus,
He will help you when you fall,
He will hear you when you call;
Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus.

Verse 2
What a friend I have found in Jesus!
Peace and comfort to my soul He brings;
Leaning on His mighty arm,
I will fear no ill nor harm;
Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus.

Verse 3
Though I pass through the night of sorrow,
And the chilly waves of Jordan roll,
Never need I shrink nor fear,
For my Saviour is so near;
Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus.

Verse 4
When at last to our home we gather,
With the faithful who have gone before,
We will sing upon the shore,
Praising Him forevermore;
Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus.

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