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CH1941, Hymn #556

Angel Voices Sweetly Singing

Church Hymnal, #556


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 556

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556: Angel Voices Sweetly Singing

Verse 1
Angel voices sweetly singing,
Echoes through the blue dome ringing,
News of wondrous gladness bringing;
Ah, 'tis heaven at last!

Heaven at last, heaven at last;
O, the joyful story of heaven at last!
Heaven at last, heaven at last;
Endless, boundless glory, In heaven at last.

Verse 2
On the jasper threshold standing,
Like a pilgrim safely landing,
See the strange bright scene expanding;
Ah, 'tis heaven at last!

Verse 3
Softest voices, silver pealing,
Freshest fragrance, spirit healing,
Happy hymns around us stealing;
Ah, 'tis heaven at last!

Verse 4
Not a teardrop ever falleth,
Not a pleasure ever palleth,
Song to song forever calleth;
Ah, 'tis heaven at last!

Verse 5
Christ Himself the living splendor,
Christ the sunlight, mild and tender;v
Praise to the Lamb we render;
Ah, 'tis heaven at last!

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