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CH1941, Hymn #563

Softly and Tenderly

Church Hymnal, #563


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 563

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563: Softly and Tenderly

Verse 1
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,
Calling for you and for me;
At the heart's portals He's waiting and watching,
Watching for you and for me.

Come home, come home,
Ye who are weary come home;
Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling,
Calling, O sinner, come home!

Verse 2
Why should we tary when Jesus is pleading,
Pleading for you and for me?
Why should we linger and heed not His mercies,
Mercies for you and for me?

Verse 3
Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing,
Passing from you and from me;
Shadows are gathering, and death's night is coming,
Coming for you and for me.

Verse 4
Think of the wonderful love He has promised,
Promised for you and for me!
Though we have sinned, he has mercy and pardon,
Pardon for you and for me.

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