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CH1941, Hymn #578

Blessed Lord, How Much I Need Thee

Church Hymnal, #578


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 578

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578: Blessed Lord, How Much I Need Thee

Verse 1
Blessed Lord, how much I need Thee!
Weak and sinful, poor and blind;
Take my trembling hand and lead me;
Strength and sight in Thee I find.

Every hour, every hour,
Blessed Lord, how much I need Thee!
Every hour, every hour,
Saviour, keep me every hour.

Verse 2
Clothe me with Thy robe of meekness,
Stained with sin this robe of mine;
Teach me first to feel my weakness,
Then to plead for strength divine.

Verse 3
Safe am I if Thou dost guide me—
Trusting self, how soon I fall!
Walk life's rugged way beside me,
Thou, my light, my life, my all.

Verse 4
Then whate'er the future bringeth,
Smiles of joy, or tears of grief,
Still to Thee my spirit clingeth,
Thou art still my soul's relief.

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