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CH1941, Hymn #58

Our Day of Praise Is Done

Church Hymnal, #58


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 58


58: Our Day of Praise Is Done

Verse 1
Our day of praise is done;
The evening shadows fall;
But pass not from us with the sun,
True Light that lightenest all.

Verse 2
Around the throne on high,
Where night can never be,
The white robed harpers of the sky
Bring ceaseless hymns to Thee.

Verse 3
Too faint our anthems here;
Too soon of praise we tire;
But O the strains, how full and clear,
Of that eternal choir!

Verse 4
’Tis Thine each soul to calm,
Each wayward thought reclaim,
And make our life a daily psalm
Of glory to Thy Name.

Verse 5
A little while, and then
Shall come the glorious end;
And songs of angels and of men
In perfect praise shall blend.

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