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CH1941, Hymn #60

O Blessed Hour

Church Hymnal, #60


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 60


60: O Blessed Hour

Verse 1
O blessed hour, when evening comes,
And calls us to our place of prayer !
with joyful heart our feet we turn
To meet Thee and Thy children there.

Verse 2
With one accord we gather here,
Our wants make known, our sins confess;
Dear Saviour, wilt Thou now appear,
And bless as only Thou canst bless.

Verse 3
Our faith increase, our fears remove;
Make strong the weak, the helpless raise;
May every heart now feel Thy love,
And every tongue speak forth Thy praise.

Verse 4
No want have we Thou canst not fill,
No need but Thou canst fully meet;
May we obey Thy gracious will,
And find our lives in Thee complete.

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