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CH1941, Hymn #612

There Is Sunlight on the Hilltop

Church Hymnal, #612


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 612

MIDI Player



612: There Is Sunlight on the Hilltop

Verse 1
There is sunlight on the hilltop,
There is sunlight on the sea;
And the golden beams are sleeping,
On the soft and verdant lea;
But a richer light is filling
All the chambers of my heart;
For Thou dwellest there, my Saviour,
And 'tis sunlight where Thou art.

O the sunlight! beautiful sunlight!
O the sunlight in the heart!
Jesus' smile can banish sadness;
It is sunlight in the heart.

Verse 2
In the dust I leave my sadness,
As the garb of other days;
For Thou robest me with gladness,
And Thou fillest me with praise;
And to that bright home of glory
Which Thy love hath won for me,
In my heart and mind ascending,
My glad spirit follows Thee.

Verse 3
Loving Saviour, Thou hast bought me,
And my life, my all, is Thine;
Let the lamp Thy love hath lighted
To Thy praise and glory shine;
And to that bright home of glory
Which Thy love hath won for me,
In my heart and mind ascending,
My glad spirit follows Thee.

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