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CH1941, Hymn #662

Let Others Seek a Home Below

Church Hymnal, #662


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 662

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662: Let Others Seek a Home Below

Verse 1
Let others seek a home below,
We'll be gathered home;
Which flames devour or waves o'er throw,
We'll be gathered home.

We'll work till Jesus comes,
We'll work till Jesus comes,
We'll work till Jesus comes,
And we'll be gathered home.

Verse 2
Be mine the happier lot to own,
We'll be gathered home;
A heavenly mansion near the throne,
We'll be gathered home.

Verse 3
Then, fail this earth, let stars decline,
We'll be gathered home;
And sun and moon refuse to shine,
We'll be gathered home.

Verse 4
Though desolation here may be,
We'll be gathered home;
That heavenly mansion stands for me,
We'll be gathered home.

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