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CH1941, Hymn #672

A Great and Mighty Wonder

Church Hymnal, #672


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 672

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672: A Great and Mighty Wonder

Verse 1
A great and mighty wonder,
A full and blessed cure!
The Rose has come to blossom
Which shall for aye endure.
Repeat the hymn again!
"To God on high be glory,
And peace on earth to men."

Verse 2
The Word has dwelt among us,
The true light from on high;
And cherubim sing anthems
To shepherds from the sky.
Repeat the hymn again!
"To God on high be glory,
And peace on earth to men."

Verse 3
Since all He comes to succor,
By all be He adored,
The infant born in Bethlehem,
The Saviour and the Lord;
Repeat the hymn again!
"To God on high be glory,
And peace on earth to men."

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