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CH1941, Hymn #82

Beneath Thy wing

Church Hymnal, #82


Found in Church Hymnal (1941)
Hymn Number 82


82: Beneath Thy wing

Verse 1
Beneath Thy wing, O God, I rest,
Under Thy shadow safely lie,
By Thine own strength in peace possest,
While dreaded evils pass me by.

Verse 2
With strong desire, I here can stay
To see Thy love its work complete;
Here can I wait a long delay,
Reposing at my Saviour's feet.

Verse 3
My place of lowly service, too,
Beneath that sheltering wing I see;
For all the work I have to do,
Is done through strengthening trust in Thee.

Verse 4
In faith and patience is repose,
In faith and rest my strength shall be;
And, when Thy joy the Church o'erflows,
I know that it will visit me.

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